Research Output

Wind Value has opened the Wind Value Community in Zenodo and has uploaded several documents. Search for “Wind Value”.

Mikindani, D., O’Brien, J., Leahy, P.G. and Deeney. P. (2024) The financial risks from wind turbine failures: a value at risk approach , Applied Economics. pp. 1–16. doi: 10.1080/00036846.2024.2380542, is now published. It deals with the risks from equipment failure for wind farms, in particular it looks at the measurable advantages of diversification. Download the paper here. July 2024

Peter Deeney presented a paper, “Planning Permission is Optional”, at the Irish Accounting and Finance Association Annual Conference in Ulster University, Belfast. Schedule Slides. June 2024

Dorcas Mikindani presented at the Doctoral Colloquium of the Irish Accounting and Finance Association on “End of life decisions for wind farms: An opportunity for climate action and for energy communities”. The presentation explained the plan for the rest of her PhD, slides.

Dorcas also presented a paper, “The effect of electricity markets on the end-of-life decisions for Irish Wind Farms: A real option analysis”, at the main conference, slides. Ulster University, June 2024.

In addition to the Second Wind Value Conference in May, work for Deliverable 7.3 was published on Zenodo. Deliverable 7.3 deals with preparations for the community decision support tool by examining the level of risk version and risk loving attitudes within communities. This was done using a questionnaire in Ireland prepared by Kevin Campbell and a questionnaire in China prepared by Qianhui Chen. The results were analyzed in a report by Qianhui Chen and Peter Deeney. (May 2024)

Dorcas Mikindani has published an article, “Wind Value, End-of-Life Decisions for Wind Farms”, in UCC’s Doctoral Research Journal, The Boolean, Download a copy here. (March 2024)

Peter Deeney, Paul G. Leahy and Kieran Ruane (MTU) wrote a short article, Repurposing End-of-Life Wind Turbine Blades, in the Irish Government’s Project Marine Newsletter, No.6 (Spring 2024) pages 22 – 24. Based on work by IEA Wind Task 45, the Re-Wind Network and Wind Value. Funded by the Irish Research Council, SEAI, SFI. (January 2024)

Peter Deeney, Paul G. Leahy and Kieran Ruane (MTU) published a short article, Wind turbine blades: inside the battle to overcome their waste problem, in The Conversation about the end-of-life choices for wind turbine blades. This was based on work by IEA Wind Task 45, the Re-Wind Network and Wind Value. Funded by the Irish Research Council, SEAI, SFI. (November 2023)

A poster summarizing the Wind Value research project and some initial results from the first paper, was presented by Peter Deeney at the Irish Wind Farmers Association Annual Conference in Kilkenny (November 2023). Poster here.

Peter Deeney and Paul Leahy attended the IEA Wind Task 45 General Meeting in the National Composites Centre, Bristol, England. Peter made a presentation on the Failure Risk paper and Circular Economy Business Model paper. Slides here. Irish participation in IEA Wind Task 45 is funded by the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (November 2023)

Authors from the Wind Value project, the Re-Wind Network and IEA Wind Task 45 prepared a manuscript dealing with end-of-life processing for wind turbine blades. This included discussion of the present and possible future valuation of wind turbine blades at their end-of-life. The literature table can be found here as a pdf. (October 2023)

At the Wind Energy Ireland Trade Show at the Sports Ireland Campus in Blanchardstown, Dublin in October 2023.

In July 2023 Dorcas Mikindani attended the Barcelona School of Economics Summer School on “Empirical Methods for the Analysis of the Energy Transition”, by Prof Mar Reguant

Luca Bernardi’s Masters and the Wind Farm End-of-Life Conference were mentioned in the @eriucc Annual Report 2022.

Download a copy here.

Peter Deeney presented slides based on Dorcas Mikindani’s forthcoming paper on O&M Risk for Wind Farms at the Cork University Business School Postgraduate Symposium held in the O’Rahilly Building of UCC on 29th June 2023.

Dorcas Mikindani gave a presentation on O&M Risk for Wind Farms: A Riskmetric Approach at the IAFA Annual Conference in the University of Galway. 8th June 2023

Dorcas Mikindani made a presentation at the Sustainability Research Seminar, UCC, about the Wind Value Project and specifically about the first paper on the financial risk of O&M for wind farms. Slides here. May 2023

Presentation to students of Minzu University of China who were visiting the Environmental Research Institute in March 2023.

Peter Deeney’s slides

Wind Energy Ireland Annual Conference, Dublin, February 2023. Conference Details

Dorcas Mikindani‘s Poster for the first paper on O&M Risk.

Photo: Damien Harberlin, Danielle Orrell, Alphonso Cohuo, Mitra Abed, Peter Deeney