Industry Meets Academia Summer Seminar – Cork 2023

The Wind Value and H-Wind Research Projects Present the Industry Meets Academia Summer Seminar

The Wind Value and H-Wind Summer Seminar presented two topics, a technical study on hydrogen in co-generation engines and a proposal to use compliance bonds to encourage a circular economy on Thursday 31st August 2023. Benoit Mayol works for Clarke Energy and is completing his Masters degree in Energy, Environment, and Innovative Materials, at the Université Côte d’Azur. Benoit talked about the use of hydrogen as a fuel which can provide wind energy with a market and address the intermittency problem Slides here, Video here. Kevin Campbell is about to complete a H.Dip. in Sustainability and Climate Action for Enterprise in University College Cork (UCC) and has previously worked in the finance industry. Kevin talked about the use of financial bonds which pay out on successful recycling/repurposing/reuse of individual parts of wind turbines Slides here, Video here. Both Kevin and Benoit have been working on the Wind Value project during the summer of 2023. The seminar was held online using Teams and in-person at the Environmental Research Institute, of UCC. A report of the event is available here.

11:45Tea and CoffeeEllen Hutchins Reading Room
12:00Introduction: Paul Leahy PI of H-WindRoom 1.28
12:05Benoit MayolPresentation: Technical Study on Hydrogen and Co-generation Engines
Slides, Video
12:25 Questions and Discussions
12:35Kevin CampbellPresentation: Compliance Bonds as a mechanism for incentivising a circular economy
Slides, Video
12:50 Questions and Discussions
13:00Conclusion: Peter Deeney PI of Wind Value 
 LunchEllen Hutchins Reading Room

The Wind Value project is funded by the Irish Research Council under the Pathway Programme: IRC*21/PATH-A/9348

The H-Wind project is funded by Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) and Industry Partners – DP Energy, ESB, Equinor ASA, Gas Networks Ireland